Elderly man working on car as a mechanic

Mas Transition

If you have recently lost your job, or want to help your employees secure future employment after retrenchment, Mas Transition is ready to guide you toward new opportunities.

Mas Transition helps guide retrenched workers into new job opportunities

The face of Australian industry is rapidly shifting, with sectors such as manufacturing and telecommunications undergoing serious change. While often larger businesses can redeploy workers to another suitable position, when this isn’t possible the employee loses their job. This is called retrenchment.

If you have been retrenched or are facing retrenchment, we understand that you may be feeling stressed or worried. You may have spent the majority of your career in a specific industry or even within the one company, only to have that change unexpectedly.

It’s completely normal to be unsure of the next steps, but that’s where Mas Transition comes in. We’ll help you navigate any concerns you may have, including:

  • Transferring your skillset to a new job
  • Finding a rewarding job
  • Understanding what’s changed in the labour market since you started your career
  • Developing confidence in how to take the next steps.

Mas Transition works with industries and governments to give retrenched workers the support they need and guide them into new employment opportunities. We’ll help guide you through the process and find a position that maximises your existing skills and passions.

Prepare, plan and apply for jobs with Mas

Our free support service for retrenched workers will help you: 

  • Identify competencies and skills that could be transferred to other industries
  • Pinpoint career goals, explore strengths and any life stage requirements, barriers and development opportunities 
  • Prepare tailored resumes
  • Apply for jobs through different online platforms  
  • Manage an online presence 
  • Practice interview techniques for a variety of roles and industries.
Young Asian woman sits across the desk from a male colleague, smiling at him as they talk

Things to consider if you’re facing retrenchment

To prepare you for the next chapter in your career, there are a few simple things you can do. 

Learn about the retrenchment process

The Australian Government’s What’s Next program has a range of resources available to help support retrenched workers, including:

  • A guide to your rights, entitlements and supports
  • Information about government employment services
  • Will my payout get taxed?
  • Receiving Centrelink benefits after retrenchment
  • Advice on related government programs including Stronger Transitions and the Fair Entitlements Guarantee (FEG)
  • Information relating to specific major retrenchments and localised support available


Visit the What’s Next website to find out more.

Talk to your employer about the termination date, notice period and your leave entitlements. Make the most of Mas Transition’s support services to make the transition to a new job smooth and worry-free. 

Take care of the emotional wellbeing of yourself and your family  

If you’re facing emotional hardship or would like someone to talk to about what you’re experiencing, there are people ready to help:

Get started on your new path to employment 

Equipped with a new perspective and useful tools, you will be ready to embark on a path to new employment. Mas Transition also provides access to exclusive job opportunities and helps match passionate workers like you with suitable employers.

Alternately, if you are an employer looking to provide retrenched employees with support to secure future employment, Mas Transition is ready to assist.

Man inside factory sits at computer working on engineering drawing

Enquire today to find out more about Mas our Transition programs.

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