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OHS Essentials Program

Mas is one of the organisations that has a contract to deliver the OHS Essentials Program.

The Program is a free safety consultation service delivered by an independent occupational health and safety (OHS) consultant.
The Mas consultant will come to your workplace, help you identify safety hazards and provide a practical action plan for your business.

Advice and recommendations made are completely confidential, The consultant will also provide two follow-up visits to see how you’re going and provide additional assistance.

What is OHS Essentials Program?

It’s a free service for eligible Victorian small and medium sized employers. Providers of the program are state-wide.

Employers receive a free evaluation of their organisation and discuss their health and safety obligations and requirements. Information and advice is provided at no cost.

Eligibility for the Program

Employers must have a Victorian WorkCover premium and 59 or less employees. Previous Program participants can re-apply after 3 years.

What the Program provides

By accessing the free program, eligible employers receive:

  • An initial free 3 – 5 hour visit to review health and safety.
  • An Action Plan for improving health and safety developed by Paul who provides on-going support during the Program.
  • Further free 2 and 3 hour follow-up visits over 9 months.

OHS Essentials Program Overview

Many Victorian employers have been receiving free health and safety consultancy under the Victorian WorkSafe OHS Essentials Program.

Up to 9 hours of free information, advice and assistance is available from an approved provider of the Program.

The confidential services provided under the Program are fully independent of WorkSafe. Nothing is reported back to WorkSafe.

Our Mas Safety Consultant

Paul Scofield has been delivering the OHS Essentials Program since mid-2013, He has considerable expertise in Victorian workplace health and safety laws, safety management systems and hazard identification.
Paul has over 20 years’ experience in a large range of vocations and industries working with small and medium-sized businesses.

Further details about the Program and assistance with registration can be obtained by contacting: [email protected]

Paul’s area of operation is up to 150Km from Melbourne.