Young male mechanic looks over a car tyre in a workshop

Mas Transition

Workforce participation, employment and transition services 

Mas Transition delivers workforce participation, employment and transition services to individuals looking for a career change, unemployed young people and retrenched workers. This Service Stream encompasses a range of support services which are designed to engage, support and empower individuals to find the right path to further education, training and employment. 

Discover the benefits of a Mas Transition program


Our TRAILS (Teamwork, Respect, Attitude, Independence, Life, Skills) intake delivered a fresh new approach to guiding at-risk 16–24-year-olds across Adelaide on a journey of trail construction and bike riding. Learn how one of our participants, Harry Hill, used the power of bike riding to build confidence and gain employment. 

Read about Harry’s journey through TRAILS

Enquire today to find out more about our Mas Transition programs.

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