Schools Engagement

Future Pathways Program

The Mas National Future Pathways Program is a dynamic initiative designed to illuminate the pathways within Australian Apprenticeships, education and further training.

How the program works

Our Future Pathways Program is delivered by the qualified careers staff at Mas National, aiming to equip students with essential insights and help them make informed decisions about their future careers and educational paths. Each session is specifically tailored to the unique needs and demographics of your school. Our offerings include engaging in-person presentations, interactive online forums, and access to vital resources, all crafted by our qualified careers staff. The program is accessible to students, teachers and parents alike. For schools requiring it, we also provide remote delivery options to ensure comprehensive accessibility.

Benefits of the program

Participating in the Future Pathways Program provides students with a robust foundation for making strategic career decisions. The program not only introduces new ideas but also equips participants with the practical tools and knowledge needed to confidently navigate their future employment, education or training paths. Insights from our apprenticeship support staff and key experts in specialised areas like Women in Trade, Clean Energy and First Nations Apprenticeships make this program an invaluable steppingstone for anyone looking to understand more about the local labour market and potential career opportunities.

Get help for your school

Integrating the Future Pathways Program into your school is straightforward. Our dedicated team will contact you to arrange the scheduling of the program to fit your school’s calendar and meet your specific needs.

All schools within the Apprenticeship Connect Provider School Engagement Plan are eligible for this program. If your school is not yet involved or if you have specific requirements, simply reach out to our Future Pathways Program team. We are committed to ensuring that every school has the support and resources needed for their students’ career planning and future success.

Join us at the Mas National Future Pathways Program and take the first step towards a brighter future with confidence and clarity.

Get in touch with us today!

Discover how our program can empower your school to succeed in every aspect of their apprenticeship journey.

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